80% vote is broken

.Sumbawa Besar, resonance NTBSekitar 80 percent of the total vote Election suarat DPD, DPR, DPRD NTB Legislative Assembly received the KPU Kabupaten Sumbawa, in a damaged condition and cacat.Dari sort the results, some models have a voice mailbox that is damaged, such as torn and holey on the ballot. While the model of the sound that there is a disability includes a red ink stain, blue and black, double image as the party too quickly folded when the ink not yet dry, and there is a line in the middle and bottom of the letter ballot suara.Terhadap damaged said Division Chief of the Technical Implementation of Election KPU Sumbawa, Syukri Grace, because it has no longer be used. While voice mail is disabled he said, has been under sampelnya communicated to the KPU to voice mail if the defect can be used or not. "Mr. Chairman (Suhardi Sood SE) to discuss the matter with the KPU. We have not received further news, "said Chairman Syukri accompanied Logistics Division, and General Household, Nurul Kha

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