Trick Changing Windows XP to GENUINE? (Original)
7:26 PM
Probably most users of Windows XP in Indonesia using pirated Windows XP. But that does not mean pirated Windows XP is not genuine (GENUINE). What distinguishes whether or not the original Windows XP serial number was located at which the process was to install Windows XP.
To Test if we are genuine windows XP, try using the tool? Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool?, Which can detect the authenticity of your Windows XP, for example, can use the tool? Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool? to determine the authenticity of Windows XP us.
If it turns out that we use Windows XP is not genuine, do not worry! Below there are 3 windows Xp serial number that has been proved genuine:
But the problem if we are lazy to re-install windows, just gunain Application of artificial Jelly Bean Keyfinder can to change the serial number windows XP, so you do not need to bother to re-install
Consider this script
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"
"RegisteredOrganization"="Icon Computer"
"RegisteredOwner"="Icon Computer"
The things you should do is.
1. Open notepad on your computer, or type [start]> [run] and type "notepad" (without the comma ")
2. Copy the script above, and paste it in your notepad
3. Then, replace the bold text with the text you want, which will appear in the system properties like the picture below.
4. After that, then click [File]> [Save As] and name it with CurrentVersion.reg
5. Then, merge the file with 2x click the file or right click and select
6. And will appear in the form of pop-up that says that if you are willing to enter the file you created earlier for inclusion in the registry, and select yes.
7. then restart your computer.
After the above steps have you done, now living to validate or check whether your windows is genuine or not, how:
1. To perform the check you need a software called WGAPluginInstall, can be downloadhereor here then you install the software
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