The state of Nature and location
Sumbawa Regency is one of nine district / city in the West Nusa Tenggara Province with area of 6643.98 km2 yang terletak he Bagian Tengah Island Sumbawa and between 1160.42 - 1180.22 'East Longitude and 80.8' - 90, 7 'South Latitude
Sumbawa Regency, in general, is a hilly area, curly / wavy or uneven with the altitude ranging between 0 to 1730 meters above the sea surface, where most of them are at a height of 100 to 500 meters. The altitude for the city-district of the city ranged from 10 to 650 meters above the sea water. Ibu Kota Kecamatan Batu Lanteh the Semongkat Capital City District is the highest while Labuhan Sumbawa as capital Labuhan Badas is the lowest
District which is well known with the motto Sabalong Samalewa is bordered by the Sea in The Utara Flores, Southern Ocean with India, Western District of West Sumbawa and the Eastern District Dompu
Climate and jest Rain
Sumbawa Regency is a tropical area that is affected by the rainy season and dry season. In the period
March to August 2005, the maximum temperature reached 35.2 Â º C that occurred in May 2005 and the minimum temperature 18.0 Â º C that occurred in June 2005. Maximum humidity reached 86%, which occurred in March 2005 and the minimum humidity reaches 75%, which occurred in the Month April 2005
The direction of the wind to blow most of the Southeast with a top speed of 6 knots / second which occurred in February and in June 2005. Number of days of rain the day with 57 rainy days occurred in March 2005 is 18 days and February 2005 is 13 days. Similarly, with the rainfall, where the most rainfall in the March and January 2005 respectively as 124.2 mm and 106.8 mm. Throughout the year usually
from January to December, but rain is always there for months June to September
One thing that can affect the rainy days and rainfall is the amount of evaporation because evaporation sedikitnya can affect at least a lot of rainy days and rainfall that occur in the next period
Volatilization ranged from 192.9 mm to 231.2 mm. Figures 231.2 mm is the highest number that occurred in March 2005, and 192.9 mm number is the lowest number that occurred in June 2005.Â
Climate elements Month
Average - average 26.5 26.0 28.0 27.2 27.1 26.0
Air temperature (? C) Max 33.4 31.0 34.5 33.8 34.4 33.8
Min 21.3 22.4 21.0 21.3 20.3 18.6
Average duration sun rays (%) 72 41 81 90 97 89
Mean air humidity (%) 85 89 83 79 71 70
The amount of rainfall (mm) 205 478 127 100.1 0.7 -
Total evaporation (mm) 129 120 192 195 198 197
Average wind speed (kts) 6 7 5 5 6 6
the wind that many NW NW NW SE SE SE msl air pressure (mb) 1008.7 1009.1 1008.7 1008.5 1009.7 1010.2
Climate elements Month
Air temperature (?C) Rata - rata 25,9 25,7 26,9 28,1 28,6 27,1
Max 33,7 33,6 26,4 38,6 37,4 35,2
Min 19,0 17,0 18,2 19,2 22,2 22,3
Average duration sun rays (%) 89 94 94 99 87 72
(%) 68 64 69 71 75 84
Mean air humidity (mm) - - - - 67 374
The amount of evaporation (mm) 219 240 251 282 223 191
Average wind speed (kts) 6 6 6 7 6 6
the wind that many SE SE SE NW SE SE
the wind that many (mb) 1011,6 1011,6 1011,9 1009,8 1008,7 1009,3
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