Or a tribe of Sumbawa Samawa inhabit the western part of the island of Sumbawa or former Sultanate of Sumbawa region, the area of 8493 km2, which means more than half of the island of Sumbawa with the broad reach of 14,415.45 km2, while the eastern part of island inhabited by tribes Bima
Most of the area consists of hills and mountains with the highest peak 1730 meters in the Stone Mountain Lanteh. Mountain this spring in the mountains between the other five are in the middle and south of the island. This leads to the mountain, there is a river called the largest Brang Beh also flows toward the Gulf of Lampui and the areas around the other mountains, and met with children in other rivers smaller. Samawa population can spread in two districts, namely Kabupaten Sumbawa and Sumbawa Regency West region from the District at the end of the embankment to the east and Sekongkang District Taliwang located at the ends of the west and south of the island, including 38 small islands in the surrounding areas. Territorial limit of the second district is the northern boundary with the Flores Sea, south of the Indonesian Ocean, west of the Alas, and the eastern boundary with District Dompu. Ethnic population Sumbawa besar.


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